Nature vs. Nurture
Many scientists are still searching answers for such controversial questions like: does homosexuality comes from family genes or is it the way we react to our surroundings? But what traits does human inherit by these reactions? They are developing studies from twins to see if homosexuality is natured or nurtured. In this video of Nature vs. Nurture I learned many things. For example, that childhood gender nonconformity is when the child acts like the opposite sex, indicating that he/she may grow up being gay, but not necessarily. Also, that the more older brothers one has, the more probability there is for him being gay, each time being increased by 1/3 and that this only works for boys. What I found interesting about this video are the identical twins having totally different characteristics and tastes. One of them liking white horses, getting his nails done, pink room, dolls, girly stuff everywhere! Meanwhile, the other one having GI JOE collection, guns, dark room, and military stuff. Although, I don’t know why his mom didn’t do anything to change any of this so they could both have boy stuff. In my opinion, these people are born this way and if you don’t change their taste since little, it will be very difficult to change it. Though, I don’t have any problem with them , but my it doesn’t follow my religion.
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